Sandra Yaworski Training

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Goals and Pursuits

2018, the year that for the first time in my life, I have made a list of things I want to knock off. I have never been a person who has had a bucket list or a list of goals. Weird, I know as most people would describe me as goal oriented and results focused. However, I have always just approached life by experiencing, and wanting to see how far I could push myself. I try to approach my life in a way that is right for me. As such, I rarely share my pursuits with others. I tend to just do and then share if I am asked. Why? My pursuits are simply mine and I do not feel I need approval to follow through on what I want to do. This is likely why two things I read, in the last couple of days, have me pondering. I felt they were worth sharing.

Amelia Boone's Blog Boone is an OCR racer but she is also an interesting person to read about. Here are some of what she stated in her recent blog.

Boone goes on to say,

Pete Hitzeman from Breaking Muscle talks about goal setting. What I really enjoyed is how he reworked the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) approach to goal setting from the corporate world to that of the athletic world. Here is what he had to say about SMART goals.

My advice to anyone (including myself) is to always reach in pursuits, avoid judgement by others, be eager to constantly learn and explore, and limit time with negative people. I feel that this makes us not only better human beings, but also great athletes.